.::الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني::.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مرحبا بك في منتديات الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني

إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فالرجاء التسجيل

وإذا كنت عضو من قبل فقم بتسجيل الدخول

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

.::الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني::.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مرحبا بك في منتديات الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني

إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فالرجاء التسجيل

وإذا كنت عضو من قبل فقم بتسجيل الدخول

.::الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني::.

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
.::الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني::.

منتدى المهدي المنتظر الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني المنتظر الإمام الثاني عشر من أهل البيت المطهر

مرحباً بكم في منتديات الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني

    Expected Imam Almahdy negates and opposes a fake Shari'a law

    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 268
    تاريخ التسجيل : 13/05/2010

    Expected Imam Almahdy negates and opposes a fake Shari'a law Empty Expected Imam Almahdy negates and opposes a fake Shari'a law

    مُساهمة من طرف المدير العام السبت يوليو 24, 2010 11:04 pm

    The Expected Mehdi opposes a fake Shari’ a law which is in conflict with the scared text of the holy Qur’an

    In the Name of Allah Most Compassionate Most Graceful

    From the Expected Mehdi Allah’s Vicegerent of mankind on earth, the Servant of the greatest Well Being “Nai’eem Al A’dam” Imam Nasser Mohammad Al Yemeni to all Muslim Clerks and Ulama (people of knowledge), peace to you all Grace and blessings up on you, peace up on us and all Muslims from the early generation to the last one, those in heaven t the day of resurrection, peace up all God’s Messengers and praise to Allah Lord of the Creation…
    (This said...)

    Remember oh group of Muslim clerks that Allah made of me an Imam that will help all of you out of unpleasant situation, so that I can lead the people from darkness to light, except those evil creature among Jinni’s and humans till they get what they deserve. After which I will reunite you all and make of you one nation which worship Allah like due and would never
    associate to him anything, and we should not consider each other as deities beside Allah, nor worship anyone else beside Him.
    At the same time, Muslim clerks and Ulama I do not want you to be naive and blindly believe the fact that I am the expected Mahdy unless I bind you with the truth which will make you speechless while I make my argumentation from this great holy, blessed and kept intact Qur’an which can not be falsified at time when prophet Mohammed PBUH was alive nor after his death. Nobody is capable to alter its content, not even a single word because it is the word of Allah, in order to have this Qur’an as Allah’s argument against you if you were to believe human narrations which are contradictory to Allah’s word in general or specific.
    Allah Almighty made of this kept intact book my evidence against you, or you evidence against me. It is either me defeating you with true argumentation and clear evidence based on the verses of the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an to the point you can’t argue with me anymore due to the power of argumentation which is well understood by those who have brain (mind) and realize its strength, those who listen till I finish my speech without braking me down then choose to accept it and follow it, those who would feel no embarrassment of loosing pride in accepting the truth once they realize that they were wrong and discover my truth that I am really the true expected Imam Mahdy the Lord Mercy that included all things except the ones who despaired from their Lord’s Grace the way the unbelievers despaired of the resurrection of the dead, those are really Satan alike they have the same belief as the fallen Satan’s, that Allah is the truth, resurrection of the dead is truth, heaven and paradise are true, hell fire is true still they won’t believe in their Lord promise, despite their knowledge it is the truth but they do not like the truth, once the straight path becomes evident and clear for them they won’t follow it, then despite knowing its wrong they will follow the wrong path. They chose for those who invent lies about Allah as their closest friends, they are damned by the Lord and it’s recommended to stop them and fight them by using all means, except for a small minority which might repent once they know that Allah is all-forgiving and is willing to reward them a bountiful reward and lead them to the straight path.

    As stated in Allah Exalted words: ((If We had ordered them to sacrifice their lives or to leave their homes, very few of them would have done it: But if they had done what they were (actually) told, it would have been best for them, and would have gone farthest to strengthen their (faith) ) 04:066 AN-NISA (WOMEN) Allah’s word is truth.

    This also means, any evil person from Jinni’s and human who will repent shall discover that the Grace of the Lord is all containing even Iblis the cursed father of all devils, eternal enemy of Allah if willing to turn to the Lord of Creation in sincere repent and would accept to prostrate himself in front of Allah’s Vicegerent on earth as sign of acceptance the Lord’s command, then he (Iblis) shall find out that the Lord Grace (Mercy) is all containing, that Allah is all-forgiving because He is the all-forgiving the Most Graceful. Even Satan Iblis is among the creatures of the Lord who have sinned, then despaired from Allah’s Grace (Mercy), still he makes part of that group which, Allah have mentioned in His all including saying in the sacred text of the holy Qur’an addressed to all creatures of Allah’s who have sinned and innflicted atrocity to their own soul, from all races of creatures of all kind walking, flying Allah Most High saying: ((Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped. And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not!-. Lest the soul should (then) say: 'Ah! Woe is me! - In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked!'-. Or (lest) it should say: 'If only Allah had guided me, I should certainly have been among the righteous!'- . Or (lest) it should say when it (actually) sees the penalty: 'If only I had another chance, I should certainly be among those who do good!’. (The reply will be 'Nay, but there came to thee my Signs, and thou didst reject them: thou wast Haughty, and became one of those who reject faith!’))
    039:053-059 AZ-ZUMAR (THE TROOPS) Allah’s word is truth!

    Those who will insist on the wrong attitude, despair of the Grace of Allah risk that the holy Qur’an will only add abomination to their abomination (uncleanness), then a strong punishment will touch them that will extinguish them, or by the believers who will fight them and stop them from their wrong doing, as it is Allah’s procedure with previous folks, Allah’s procedure (system) is still upper hand.
    O Muslim clerks, some enemies of Islam succeeded in getting you from the light to the darkness, they could turn you from the Holy Qur’an even from the very fundamental basic verses of the sacred Qur’an. Then you went after what’s in contradiction with the fundamentals without realizing it and if you were still leading the straight path my birth would not yet have taken place and my destined appearance in order to lead out of the darkness to the light by mean of the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an, for those of you striving for straightness repentance and turn back to Allah the True Lord of all, Allah will surely help them and make come true their striving by good doing and lead them effectively to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Allah will surely gift the right orientation to those who sincerely strive for the straight path, and will surely lead to his straight path those who turned to Him as humble servants; Allah never causes injustice to His servants by leading some and turning some astray not all, but He will guide all those who seek guidance among His servants and will behind those who do not seek guidance, He leaves them tormented behind in their blindness:((Verily Allah will not deal unjustly with man in aught: It is man that wrongs his own soul.)) 010:044 YUNUS (JONAH) Allah’s word is truth!

    Those striving (making jihad in order to find the truth) in search for truth and want really the truth nothing else but the truth, then it is an obligation on Allah to guide them to the path of truth, as stated in Allah Most High words: ((As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good)) 029:-69 AL-ANKABOUT (THE SPIDER) Allah speaks the truth!

    I am willing to swear by Almighty Allah, that you won’t believe in my affair unless you are hurt in your own conciseness and doubt that I might be the Expected Mahdy (Mehdi) while you deny my affair, then you won’t feel too proud and start contemplating my statement from the begin till the end, doing it humbly for Allah and ask Him: if he is really the true Mahdy then make us aware of his affair and make us among those first ones who will support him but if he is telling a lie like the many previous pretenders being the Expected Mahdy then give us a true contra evidence which will allow us to bind him tightly (that he does not argue any more), but if he will be able to bind us by means of the evidence and proof from the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an and shut us up (made us speechless) by the power of his evidence and made of him somebody whom you ordered us to obey after Allah ad his prophet due to the knowledge you gifted him allowing him to inspire the true law from within the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an, especially in those issues on which Muslim clerks disagreed…Anyone of you who will sincerely adopt such an attitude then Allah will sincerely show him the truth, but those who reject because of being too proud and do not even take a close look nor contemplate on my statements refusing the dialog and the discussion, then he belongs to the group whom Allah did not gift them with light, and those whom Allah did not gift light do not have any!

    By now I have finished my introduction and the explanation of truth from the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an. Now I am going to present to you the evidence of negation concerning the stoning of the married adulterer and the adulteress which id not a divine law (Allah never sent down such a law). Allah sent down a law of the punishment to adultery in the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an by mean of an obligatory, neat and clear verse among the basic (fundamental) verses of the holy script. But you, Muslim clerks have placed it (the holy Qur’an) behind your backs then went after a false law made up the enemies of Islam (some Jews) in order for you not be able to judge and put this law to practice, and when you do then it is to exterminate (destroy) human lives though Allah never told you to kill without true cause. But He ordered you to flog adulterers one hundred stripes either the person is married or single.
    Allah Most High said: ((The adulterer and the adulteress scourge ye each one of them (with) a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain withhold you from obedience to Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment.)) 024:002 AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) Allah’s word is truth. In order to teach a listen to the whole community and that’s the worse punishment for a believer adulterer he would rather wish the death and not let him go through all the humiliation, rather a quick clean death than the terrible humiliation of hundred stripes witnessed by a group of believers, it is not that simple O people, it is sufficient as punishment for Adulterers: ((Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).)) 017:032 AL-ISRA (THE NIGHT JOURNEY) Allah’s word is truth!

    Me the Expected Mahdy Imam of all Muslims, I would like to express my stupefaction towards Muslim clerks and the Muslim religion experts knowing well that the punishment for the slave adulteress is half of that of the free adulteress, then say Allah means one hundred stripes for the free adulteress, and to flog the married slave girl half as much stripes as we scourge to the single (not married) free girl. But the free married person his punishment can not be else than stoning him/ her to death. For God sake tell me, is this a fair judgement in your opinion? O you group of Muslim Clerks and Specialists of the religion?
    ((How dare flog the married slave woman (adulteress) or the married slave man half of what you would flog a free person the number of stripes, specifying the hundred stripes for the free single person… So tell me how you proceed (what king of logic is that?), don’t you see a clear and neat law in the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an where Allah Most High states:
    ((…And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case)…)) 004:025 AN-NISA (WOMEN) Allah’s word is truth. This means they only deserve half of the punishment inflicted to married Muslim women, whether the free person is single or married it does not the matter he/ she deserves (one hundred stripes) that is what stands in the book of Allah. One Hundred Stripes is to flogged to free persons who committed an adultery, the half of that to be scourged to slave adulterers (man ad woman) fifty stripes, whether married or not married their punishment is half of that flogged to free persons. The free woman/ man single and married deserve hundred stripes. And I the Expected Mahdy address Muslim Clerks and religious specialists (Ulama) the following question:
    What is the law for punishing a slave adulteress in the sacred texts of the Qur’an? Only fifty stripes to be flogged to her despite her being married, and Allah did not order you to scourge her hundred stripes same as for the free woman (adulteress), because Allah Exalted did say:
    ((And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case)…)) Allah’s word is truth!

    Despite her being married, after that you inflict her similar free married adulteress the stoning to death? Is this a fair judgement in your opinion? Both married, the slave women and the free women!
    Except for the slave adulteress you do not find a full punishment hundred stripes, despite her being married but you find fifty stripes mentioned in the sacred text of the holy Qur’an, then you went saying it is half of the punishment flogged to a single free and that hundred stripes is the punishment of the free single person, then my answer to you: Isn’t this free adulteress single, she does not have a husband while the slave women has a husband still she voluntarily committed adultery, so how do you judge fair a punishment of hundred stripes for the single free person while the married free adulteress deserves stoning to death, despite the fact that both the free and the slave persons are married then you find that the punishment of the married slave women is only fifty stripes, then how dare you inflict to her similar free married one stoning to death? How did you come to this judgment? While Allah has forbidden to Himself to be unjust, would He then order you to flog the married slave fifty stripes then inflict his free married servant a punishment of stoning to death? Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe unto Him, I demand an evidence of what this law of stoning to death the married free Muslim person from the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an if you think you were correct about it!
    Let us judge this law according to the fundamental reference of truth which is the holy Qur’an, in order to find the true answer for the disagreement concerning this issue (amongst the specialists of the Sunna), we will find that the verses dealing with the law for adultery are among the most neat and clear verses in the sacred text of the holy Qur’an! That is due to the fact that verses dealing with the law of adultery are considered among the fundamental verses which Allah Sublime made of them the basic verses for the Muslim Shari’a laws.
    I suggest you revise them and reflect, contemplate them before starting arguing! Because most of you care much about arguing and lost the very meaning of it, most of you know the sacred texts by heart but do not understand the real meaning, The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Shari’a Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not).
    This is similar to those of us who learn by heart the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an without contemplating the true meaning. Remember Allah Most Exalted ordered us by statement in the holy Qur’an to contemplate and reflect the verses of this blessed book, so when you understand the meaning of it learning it by heart becomes easy after comprehending and assimilating it, you will never forget it afterwards because you understood the meaning, learning it by becomes very easy if you only knew! Contemplate the chapter “The Light”, so that Allah may gift you Light, those whom Allah did not gift Light will never have it, Allah Exalted said:
    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
    (((This is) a chapter which We have revealed and made obligatory and in which We have revealed clear communications that you may be mindful. (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the last day, and let a party of believers witness their chastisement.)) 024:01-02 AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) Allah’s word is truth!
    In these verses it is stated the law for adultery revealed by Allah in the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an for free Muslim adulterers whether single or married, the law to their punishment is the same (one hundred stripes I the holy Qur’an) Allah made clear that this the law of punishment of free Muslim, flog each one hundred stripes whether married or single. It s also explained within the same chapter AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) for the single and the married ones, lets further look what’s next in the same chapter?:
    ((And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own,- their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth; And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie. But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie; And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth. If it were not for Allah's grace and mercy on you, and that Allah is Oft-Returning, full of Wisdom,- (Ye would be ruined indeed).)) 024:004-010 AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) Allah’s word is truth. Or did you expect Allah to repeat the punishment for adulterers once again within the same verse? What He already had explained in details at the begin of the verse? (((Here is) a surah which We have revealed and enjoined, and wherein We have revealed plain tokens, that haply ye may take heed. The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge ye each one of them (with) a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain withhold you from obedience to Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment.)) 024:01-02 AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) Allah’s word is truth. Then immediately after that He mentioned the ones who would accuse their spouses but not have enough witness (evidence) but themselves then mentioned the law of punishment one more time for the married one, Allah Most Sublime said: ((And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he saith is indeed false, And a fifth (time) that the wrath of Allah be upon her if he speaketh truth. And had it not been for the grace of Allah and His mercy unto you, and that Allah is Clement, Wise, (ye had been undone).)) 024:008-010 AN-NOUR (THE LIGHT) Allah said the truth!
    And what punishment would be averted from her? It is the punishment for /adultery mentioned and explained in details at the begin of the chapter …and let a party of believers witness their punishment. That is exactly the punishment that should be averted from her, so se won’t be flogged stripes if you only knew. Or did you expect the holy Qur’an to mention it more in the same chapter? He only had to mention ((and it shall avert the punishment from her)) He meant the punishment mentioned at the begin of the chapter!
    Some of you might want to break me by asking me: how dare you tell that the punishment to be inflicted for the married adulteress the same as for the dingle one that does not have a husband? Surely the punishment law for the single adulteress (hundred stripes)b because she is not as guilty as the married one therefore she could not control herself because she does not have a husband, while a married women does not have any excuse therefore we have to stone her to death!
    Then I, the true expected Imam Almahdy Nasser Mohammed Al Yemeni will answer him: If you could come up with an excuse for the single for committing adultery, what excuse did find for the married slave women who commits adultery and would only be flogged fifty stripes, despite her being married, you are the guided wise one did you not see Allah’s Exalted saying: ((And whoso is not able to afford to marry free, believing women, let them marry from the believing maids whom your right hands possess. Allah knoweth best (concerning) your faith. Ye (proceed) one from another; so wed them by permission of their folk, and give unto them their portions in kindness, they being honest, not debauched nor of loose conduct. And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case).)) 004: 025 AN-NISA (WOMEN) Allah’s word is truth!
    Did it become clear and obvious to you that the law of punishment for adulterers ad adulteress whether single or married among free Muslims? But slave girl/ boy deserve only half of the punishment given to free Muslims adulterers single and married all the same, they only deserve fifty stripes to be flogged to them as stated in the sacred text of the holy Qur’an:
    So wed them by permission of their folk, and give unto them their portions in kindness, they being honest, not debauched nor of loose conduct. And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case) Allah’s word is truth!
    Some other clerks might not be totally convinced, and as wild as a bursting camel out of anger
    Would protest: how dare you negate an agreed on Sunna (something Prophet Muhammad peace be up on him and his descendants did)? It is reported that Prophet Muhammad did stone a adulteress when she came to him and admitted her act of adultery, the repented to Allah in a sincerely manner and wanted to be purified from her sin then he (PBUOH) would have stoned her to death???
    Without delay, I will answer him from the sacred text of the holy Qur’an and abolish this false allegation created by the enemies of truth (Jews) then attributed to the messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad PBUOH while this is a false accusation and a wrong narration of events. Allah’s Messenger would never have done such an atrocity and would never disobey the commandment of his Lord stated in the holy Qur’an that, who ever would repent before you had power on him/ her oh Muhammad messenger of Allah and you Muslims: You do have no right to inflict him/ her the punishment even he/ she committed worst mischief even if he/ she would have committed the crime of killing and deserved the death penalty and nobody knew of his mischief that he/ she committed the crime therefore nobody had power on him/her, and other human knew of that crime except the Almighty All-Knower knew of his/ her crime. But this person who committed the crime had a lot of regrets, repented to Allah in all sincerity after which he would go to the Judge or police then told of his crime, I am the killer of such or such person, while nobody knew that he did it , and the one who committed the crime was not a wanted searched for by the police or other authority…would then say, the only reason me admitting my crime is solely because I have great regret and I repented, if you think that I deserve the death, then here I am! Even if you would chop my head, I would not mind as long that would please Allah. The judge would then turn to the sacred texts in order to look for the right penalty for that person who came by his/ her free will and admitted in front of all having committed the crime before the authorities had power on him/ her, no one has doubt about him, and no one is looking for him/ her, the judge will find in the sacred texts Allah saying not to punish that person, Allah has lifted the punishment on that person. Allah lifted any punishment like death penalty, cut his/ her hand because he stole… because that person repented to Allah and came to you before you had any kind of power on him/ her, there shall be no punishment to be inflicted or carried out against, imagine he or she would have repented only on the moment you had power on him (arrested him/ her) and he would have given the death penalty…then we may not accept his repent and sorry, because hr is then afraid of the death penalty and he/ she knows that they are going to die then he/ she would express their regret, too late , Allah does not lift the punishment, nor on those who would die while there are rebellions, unbelievers, Allah Exalted and Most Sublime said :
    ((The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Except those who repent before you have them in your power; so know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.)) 005:033-03 AL-MAEDA (THE BANQUET) Allah’s word is truth.
    I repeat, for those who want to understand well Almighty Allah’s saying: ((Except those who repent before you have them in your power; so know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful)) Allah’s word is truth, no punishment should be inflicted on him/ her, except a ransom he have to pay to the family of the victim, or to give back what he stole (the robbery) or give back something he/ she took without right, then becomes not guilty, Allah would accept his/ her repentance. Despite having committed a crime of murder, normally murder crime does not count for the murdered person only, but as if he/ she would have murdered all humans, as stated in Allah’s saying: ((For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! Many of them became prodigals in the earth.)) 005:032 Al-MAEDA (THE BANQUET) Allah’s word is true!

    How could Prophet Muhammad PBUOH disobey his Lord’s commandment? And stone a woman who came voluntarily to him and admitted her crime before Muhammad PBUOH or any of his disciples had power on her? Nobody knew of her act of adultery, she repented to Allah sincerely and admitted in front of Prophet Muhammad PBUOH having committed adultery, then him telling her go until your baby is born, and then she turned back to him later after the birth, ordered her to finish breast feeding then she does give her baby breast feeding for two years. Then came back to Prophet Muhammad PBUOH then he would take her child from her and stone her to death with his disciples? May Allah teach you a lesson, how rude?
    How many wrong ideas did the enemies of Islam tried to relate it to your religion and you have accepted it, pretending being keen to follow the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah while you are not following wither the commandments of the sacred holy Qur’an nor the Sunna of Allah Messenger but grabbing the Sunna (habits &behaviour) of the Jews which is contradictory to the teachings of the holy Qur’an in small or big details. You have rejected Allah‘s book and put it behind your backs under the pretext: but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah!
    He means the allegorical verses, you dom heads. The Jews could turn you away from the basic fundamental, clear and detailed verse with which I challenge you all and bind you with evidence defending Allah’s Messenger true and real Sunna (habits and behaviour) PBUOH, in harmony with Allah’s commandments, and the logic of truth within this sacred holy Qur’an which is supposed to be a reference to the Sunna (behaviour and habits of Prophet Muhammad PBUOH). Anything that belongs to the Sunna and is not originating from Allah Most High then we will find it contradictory and not harmonious with the holy Qur’an and very distinct from it as whole and details. Then we have analysed the verses to you despite the clarity and have explained them in details to the believers by mean of the sacred text from the holy Qur’an and by mean of Allah’s Prophet Sunna (General behaviour) which does not differentiate of this holy Qur’an, but gives it more explanation and clarity for the Muslims as stated in Allah’s saying:
    ((…and We have revealed unto thee the Remembrance that thou mayst explain to mankind that which hath been revealed for them, and that haply they may reflect.)) 016:044 AN-NAHL (THE BEE) Allah’s word is true!
    How can the explanation be different or opposing to the fundamental verses of the sacred texts? What king of logic is that? Believe when say to you that I am the true Expected Almahdy but if you keep refusing to recognise my state of affair o you group of clerks then I will invite all of you then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!
    Enough is enough; I can not stand your deep silence towards the truth, anyone of you willing to confront me or what? I challenge all with the truth, specially those of you who saw my statements on the internet and remained silent and did not react to my various calls nor did they inform Muslim clerks and religious responsible of Nasser Muhammad Al Yemeni, then would inform them that I am pretending being the Expected Imam Almahdy, let us confront him and discuss things with him whether we defeat him tightly if he is a pretender and avoid him to spread paganism amongst people or that he will defeat us with true evidence so that we can rest assured that he is really the expected Mahdy before a punishment from the wormwood planet X will be inflicted onto us like it is going to reach the unbelievers by raining asteroids hard rocks as backed glass. You must believe all what I am telling you so that you may be saved, and deny the false narrations made by Jews in order to alter and blacken the Sunna (behaviour) of the true Messenger of Allah Muhammad PBUOH. Any one who opposes this statement is welcome to discuss this issue and accept my thanks and gratitude in advance, at one condition that our discussion must be from the sacred texts of the holy Qur’an and not from anywhere else. Because if I would say I accept to discuss issues from the Sunna, then you would fetch narrations of altered and miss shaped hadiths (speeches of prophet PBUOH) and start a fruitless discussion in order to oppose Allah’s words which are neat and clear, while pretending you really believe in this sacred Qur’an. The truth is, you only kept letters on paper and an outer shape of it in your hands. Surely anyone who would grab and hold fast the holy Qur’an will be saved and guided to the straight path, and those who won’t follow the guidance stated in will surely be lost and go astray, they will loose and destroy all their life as if someone would fall from heaven and would be snatched by flying birds, or similar to someone carried by the wind into a deep ravine.
    Peace to those who are willing to be guided by the leader to the Straight__________________________________________ ______Path

    The supporter of Allah’s sacred scriptures and his Messenger's legacy Imam Nasser Muhammad Al Yemeni

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت يوليو 27, 2024 12:07 pm